
“And every science, when we understand it not as an instrument of power and domination but as an adventure in knowledge pursued by our species across the ages, is nothing but this harmony, more or less vast, more or less rich from one epoch to another, which unfurls over the course of generations and centuries, by the delicate counterpoint of all the themes appearing in turn, as if summoned from the void.”

Alexander Grothendieck

This post is about symmetric polynomials. A symmetric polynomial is \(f(x_1,\dots,x_n)\in \mathbb Z[x_1,\dots,x_n]\) such that for any permutation \(\sigma\in S_n\), we have \(\sigma f=f\) where \(\sigma\) acts by permuting the variables. The symmetric polynomials form a subring of \(\mathbb Z[x_1,\dots,x_n]\) which we denote as \(\Lambda_n\). One example of symmetric polynomials is the Newton power sums \(p_k=x_1^k+\cdots+x_n^k\) for \(k\ge 1\). Another example is elementary symmetric polynomials \(e_k=\sum_{1\le i_1<\cdots< i_k\le n}x_{i_1}\cdots x_{i_k}\) for \(1\le k\le n\). They arise in Vieta’s relations for a polynomial equation. Obviously \(\Lambda_n\) is a graded ring in degree. For a monomial \(u=ax^{k_1}_1\cdots x^{k_n}_n\), we define its weight as \(\mathrm{wt}(u)=k_1+2k_2+\cdots+nk_n\), and for a polynomial \(f\) define \(\mathrm{wt}(f)\) as the largest weight occuring among its monomials. We note that the weight of a polynomial is the same as the degree of \(f(e_1,\dots,e_n)\). One of the first results in symmetric polynomials is that the elementary symmetric polynomials forms a generating set of \(\Lambda_n\) as a (graded) algebra over \(\mathbb Z\). This is our first theorem.

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“Why did the two algebraic geometers get arrested at the airport? Because they were talking about blowing up six points on the plane.”


I spent my last week in Quebec attending the Canadian Undergraduate Mathematics Conference 2022. It was really an intense week of learning. I learned a lot and met many smart and interesting people. So I wanted to write about the things I learned and the people I met during the conference. There were so many excellent talks but unfortunately I could only attend some of them. In particular, there are some very good ones in geometry, topology, representation theory, algebra, logic theory, etc.

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“Mathematics is the music of reason.”

James J. Sylvester

This week is the first week of the spring term and also my first week of undergraduate research with Prof. Satriano, so I decided to write about a research paper I’ve given to read, this one. In a nutshell, the paper proves a combinatorical conjecture posed by McKinnon, Satriano and Huang, about orbits on a hyperplane under permutation. Specifically, suppose that \(\sigma\in S_n\) acts on \(v\in\mathbf R^n\) by permutation, and let \(\mathcal{O}(v, w)=\{\sigma\in S_n: w\cdot \sigma v=0\}\). We prove a best bound for the number of vectors obtained by permutation of coordinates that are contained in a hyperplane through the origin except for \(\sum_ix_i=0\), where \(n\ge 3\). In notations, we have the following theorem.

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